The battlefield consists of two areas - the player area and the enemy area. Your units can only be placed on tiles within your own area. Both areas are separated into three columns: left flank - A, center - B and right flanks - C. Normally, attacks only happen on the same column.
Additionally an area consists of four lines.
1) Battle Line: In general, attacks can only be started from units placed on the Battle Line.
2) Support Line: Units that are positioned here can support the attack of units on the Battle Line to increase the damage output.
3+4) Deployment Lines: In the beginning of a battle six of your units get randomly deployed on these two lines. If you have more than six units in your army, some units will be kept in reserve and automatically enter the battlefield at a later stage.
Between the Support Line and the first Deployment Line lies the bunker that serves as tactical headquarters to the general. The bunker can also be attacked which means attacking the enemy general directly and thereby decreasing his Command Points.
Columns can be one of many different terrains, which strongly influence the battle. Infantry units receive the biggest advantage from being deployed on special terrains like forests or cities.
Tier I terrain attachment are forest, pastures, your infantry units get: +1 soft attack, +1 soft counter and +1 hard counter, picture bellow.
Tier II terrain attachment are cities, bunkers, your infantry units get +1 soft attack, +2 soft counter a +2 hard counter and +1 shield, picture bellow.
First picture, player area, center column - B - Tier II terrain attachment - city and enemy area left and right column - Tier I terrain attachment - forest.
Background color:
The player general and the panels of his units are green while the opponent is identified by a red color.
Command Points
Number 10 (3) - these are your action points and your hit points. You need them to play Command cards and when they are gone you are defeated. Points decrease by using command cards, attackicg from enemy generals, Command Card - Sabotage. Command points can be increase by Command Card - Supply, Call for Support, spending skil points in HQ.
Elite star
Some Command cards need you to have Elite stars before you can play them. The general with more Elite stars gets a fifth hand card. You can get more Elite stars by Command Card - Order from HQ or using units with ability.
Symbol of binoculars can be obtained by using Command card - Recon Mission and reveal enemy area. It can be removed with Counter Air Patrol card (if and when there are no more CAPs to remove).
Symbol of plane - Combat Air Patrol - CAP can be obtained by using Command card - CAP I, CAP II and decrease demage from air strike. This symbol can be reduced or removed by Command card Counter Air I and Counter AIr II.
Why enemy general has golden wreath?
He play closed beta PGO and for this, he received gift: golden wreath, 100 prestige, tank Sherman CB and tank PzKpfw IV CB.
Lišta s kartami - rozkazy
1) Deck: All cards that were attached to the units in your army are shufled and put into deck. At the start of every turn new cards are drawn from here. The number indicates how many cards are still left in the deck. If the deck is empty you can reshuffle your cards to get them from discard pile back into deck.
2) Hand cards: The notrmal amount of hand cards is four, but when general has more elite stars than his opponent he gets a fifth Card. every round you have to choose one of these cards to execute an action or you can resuffle to get desire Cards.
3) Discard Pile: All cards that have been played are moved to the discard pile. You cannot use those cards unless you shiffle them back into the deck.
4) Shuffle Button: Instead od playing a card you can use turn to shuffle your cards.
Inside a chapter you can find a list of quests inspired by historic events. You can play or replay any already unlocked quest in any chosen order. At the beginning of a quest you have to pay the Supply Costs of your Army. You can see how much your currently selected Army costs in the Army Selection at the top of the screen.
There are different types of quests - four types:
1) Battle Quest - Select to start a battle where you have to win to receive rewards. Every time you win you reach a higher stage of that quest. You can play a Battle Quest until you reach the 5th stage, but after that it won't yield any more rewards.
2) Gate Quest - These quests mark the end of a section and only by completing them can you unlock the next section and the new quests for this chapter. In these quests you need to fight multiple times to reach full progress. Progress decreases over time so you need to finish the quest quickly. Gate Quests that finalize an entire campaign reward you with a unit.
3) Scenarios - You will fight with a predefined set of units and cards. This time you cannot win by making your Army stronger but only by adapting your strategy. You can redo these quests, but you cannot gain rewards after the first attempt.
4)Challenges - Face a mighty and almost undefeatable General on your own. Activate your friends to cooperate with you and together you will achieve victory. You have to defeat the enemy within a certain amount of time, so recruit as many friends as you can. When fighting against the General try to destroy as many of his units as you can. The Supply Costs of these units will transfer into the amount of Hit Points the General will lose when you win. Helping your friends with their Challenges is a great way to gain Supplies. For every friend you have a certain amount of Reputation that the Supply Costs of your Army will be drawn from.
1) Skirmish - The 'Skirmish' room is mainly for beginners and people wantingto try out new deck constellations without endangering their ratings. The rewards are higher than in the Singleplayer.
2) Ranked Battles When entering 'Ranked Battles' your battle outcomes, whether you lost or won, are used to calculate a rating for you through which you gain a spot in the Leaderboard (An Elo Rating based calculation is used for this). The first rating is estimated after a few battles and after that the rating gets updated after every fight. The rewards are dynamically calculated depending on your own rating as well as your opponents rating.
3) Survival The goal in the 'Survival' mode is to win as many battles in a row as possible. Every time you win, your Victory Streak increases and higher rewards are put into yourJackpot.
If you lose a fight you lose everything currently in your Jackpot and your Victory Streak is set back to O. You can claim your Jackpot at all times which will also reset your Victory Streak.
In the 'Survival' Leaderboard you are displayed with your highest Victory Streak. Only finished Victory Streaks can be displayed in the Leaderboard, meaning that you have to lose or claim your rewards for the streak to count.
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