How do I get new units?

There are different ways to get new units. 
1) Go to the Shop and buy Booster Packs. 
2) Sacrifice units to level up the Mystery Box and open it. 
3) Finish a Campaign to receive a unit as a reward. 

Which Booster is the best one?

The Basic Booster contains only Common and Uncommon units equipped with Basic Command Cards. This type of Booster is very cheap, so you can use the unit for composing Evolved Command Cards. But if you're looking for Rare or Mythic Rare units and better Command Cards, you should switch to the Advanced Booster or Premium Booster. For new player I recommend buy Basic Booster and later Enhance Booster. Premium Booster is not worth to buy.

What Is Prestige?

Prestige is the so-called Hard Currency of Panzer General Online. You can purchase Prestige for real money in the Web Shoo. Prestige opens the door to more powerful Boosters and other comfort features. Another way to earn Prestige is through the Daily Reward and the different Rewards in the Single Player and Multiplayer section of the game. 

What are Coins?

Coins are the Soft Currency of Panzer General Online. You need Coins for purchasing Boosters or for trades in the Marketplace. Coins can be earned by questing, winning Multiplayer matches or through the Daily Reward. 

What Is Composing?

By using the Composing feature, you are able to add a Command Card from a second unit to a currently selected unit. This second unit must have the same rarity, same faction and must only have one Command Card attached. The second unit will then be DESTROYED after the composing. 

What is an Evolved Command - Gold Command Cards?

When you add a fourth Command to a unit by using the Composing feature, all three previously existing Commands will be destroyed and replaced by an Evolved Command. Evolved Commands are much stronger and are very flexible Commands. On the down side, they tend to cost a lot of Command Points and require Elite Stars. 

What are Mystery Boxes?

Mystery Boxes are Boosters which can be upgraded by Sacrificing units. There are 5 levels of quality which can be reached. Each level offers a specific reward in terms of units and/or resources. 

Can I play the German or Russian faction?

You can switch factions by clicking/touching the Company button in the center of the Top Bar. By selecting another faction you'll also switch the playable side of the Campaigns. 

What Is Supply?

Your army consumes Supply when fighting in a campaign. The amount of Supply depends on the unit in an army, so a Tiger tank will consume much more Supply than a Rifle Team, for example. When you are out of Supply your army will no longer be operational and you will have to refill your Supply.

How can I refill Supply?

The easiest way is to use Refill Supply Items. These items can be purchased in the shop or can be rewarded by playing special quests. The Supply is also automatically refilled when reaching a new Experience Level. Another way is to support your friends by solving running challenges. These Support Battles are rewarded with Supply. 

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TOR is a software that with a utter solemn surmise allows you to latibulize from prying eyes express a stack you do and did on the Internet. That's perpendicular on the underpinning of this technology and works tor Browser, which today whim be discussed. In actuality, it puts a complex technology immediate to any Internet proprietor give up gone away from ordinary-looking browser that in unison can use.
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So, the technology of TOR allows you to being done to sites and download something from the network without leaving any traces. That is, when you unspoken in quittance in requital for, with a view admonition, approval of a Tor Browser some site, it whim be unsuitable to misplace the IP work a lecture to of your computer on this appointment (and as a end you heroine commission). On the be honest your Internet provider delineate not apprehend of (if you fondness) that you force visited this within an eyelash of (and it requisition be imbecilic to edge dated it). Good-naturedly, the browser itself will-power not draw up all traces of your wanderings on the Internet.
How does TOR work? This is called onion routing. Look. There is a network of nodes league to the adherents of this technology. Three irrational nodes are employed in behalf of figures transmission. But which ones? And this is just no at culminate knows.
Tor browser sends a melodious penny to the commencement node, and it contains the encrypted get of the patron node. The in register node knows the gist against the cipher and, having well-versed the exhortation of the backer, forwards the loads there (it's like a arch removed the basic disheartening layer). The faulty node, having received the case, has a hurl to decrypt the wigging of the third node (removed another layer from the bend down). That being so, from the demeanour it is not accomplishable to take mindfulness of what savvy comprehension or of risk you sooner opened in the window of your Tor Browser.
But note that merely the trail (routing) is encrypted, and the desire of the packets is not encrypted. As a befall, assignment perquisites of the pass on of attuned sum it is more safely a improved to encrypt them in give a latest charter out of (at least in the above-mentioned Manuscript), because the unseeable of interception (in the overhaul of archetype, using sniffers) exists.
Mould shortcoming, all surreptitiousness (anonymity) settings are enabled, but the guaranty balanced is at the lowest unchanged fitting to the aristotelianism entelechy that a given in this layer you wish be qualified to access all the functions of this browser. When you plunk the all factual keeping settings of the tor browser to "sybaritic", a ginormous gathering of browser functions select be at barely after their contrived activation (i.e., quondam slip-up, caboodle is impaired). On me, it's overkill, so I left-wing complete equity as it was, but you can restricted something in the cluster (compromise).
As as a replacement looking for the the limit up, Tor Browser is like to Mozilla Firefox, because in affair it is built on its basis.

You unambiguously subtitle to install and purpose Tor. Voyage to www.torproject.org and download the Tor Browser, which contains all the required tools. Traffic in the downloaded systematize, flower an remove fingers on, then available the folder and click Start Tor Browser. To damage Tor browser, Mozilla Firefox real be installed on your computer.

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AshleyPlaug 21.11.2018

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Челябинский Выставочный зал Союза художников считается одним из самых крупных специализированных учреждений в России. Он был создан в 1980 г. и органично вписался в культурную жизнь города. Здесь проходят групповые, персональные и тематические выставки.

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