Mystery Box

Mystery Boxes offer a way to exchange unneeded units for new and better ones. You can sacrifice units into the Mystery Box, thereby filling it with Quality Points. The number of Quality Points a unit is worth depends on its Rarity and the amount of Command Cards attached to it. When enough Quality Points are accumulated, the Mystery Box gains a level. The box can be unpacked when it has reached at least the first level. It can reach up to five levels, where higher levels give higher rewards. After the fifth level, a new Mystery Box will automatically be created on top of the old one. When unpacking a box, the full one will be uses first. Every box can give up to four items that can each either be a unit or a variable amount of currency. Be careful when sacrificing cards, they'll be gone forever. 

How to gain Quality points?

Playing multiplayer - Ranked Battles and Survival or sacrifice units. Common unit give 1 Quality Point, Uncommon 2 points, Rare 3 points, Mythic Rare  4 points and Exclusive 5 points. Ofcourse, when Common unit has for example 2 cards - 1*2 = 2 Quality points, Rare unit with 3 cards - 3*3 = 9 points and so on.
Calculation: Rarity unit * number of cards = resulting number of Quality points.


Before opening mystery box, choose faction, because units u get will be in faction you choose.

Mystery box lvl 1

Needed 10 Quality points.
Worst case  - 2 Common units
Best case - 2 Uncommon units
Most propably case - Common and Uncommon unit

Mystery box lvl 2

Needed 25 Quality points.
Worst case  - Common a Uncommon unit
Best case - Uncommon a Rare unit
Most propably case - Common and Uncommon unit


Mystery box lvl 3

Needed 50 Quality points.
Worst case  - Common a Uncommon unit
Best case - Uncommon a Rare unit
Most propably case - Common a Rare unit
Additionally you get some Coins and Prestige

Mystery box lvl 4

Needed 110 Quality points.
Worst case  -  Common a Rare unit
Best case - Uncommon a Mythic Rare unit
Most propably case - Common a Rare unit
Additionally you get Field Kitchen - Rare

Mystery box lvl 5

Needed 200 Quality points.
Worst case  -  Uncommon a Rare unit
Best case - Rare a Mythic Rare unit
Most propably case - Uncommon a Rare
Additionally you get Field Kitchen - Mythic Rare

Kitchens are use for Composing.